This last week I moderated a panel at a conference that has been held annually for the last 20 years - the conference is called the Sovereignty Symposium and the title of the panel I moderated was "Native Peoples and the Media." The purpose of the panel was to present various ways in which Native people are using media to challenge stereotypes, promote tribal sovereignty, and increase their voices in the political arena. The first speaker was Chad Burris, a Chickasaw Indian, who has produced both a short film and a feature-length film that have both been screened at Sundance. Chad showed his short film "Goodnight Irene" (a low-key, moving film - if you ever have an opportunity to see it, do - you won't be sorry) that focuses on three generations of Seminole Indians waiting for medical care in an Indian Health Service hospital in Oklahoma. The film poignantly portrays a loss of culture while also emphasizing the sorry state of health care that is the reality for most Native people in this country. I whispered to Kalyn Free who was also on the panel that I wish Hillary Clinton could see this film and incorporate some of the needs highlighted in this film into her own health care plan.
Kalyn Free was the next presenter and she spoke about her organization INDN's List, the very same group that is hosting the "Prez on the Rez" event. She mentioned that Hillary Clinton has recently declined an invitation to attend and at the mention of Mrs. Clinton's name there were booes heard around the room. Unless Senator Clinton changes her mind and decides to participate in "Prez on the Rez," I predict that she will alienate most Native voters, and as proven in Montana, South Dakota, and New Mexico, Native voters can swing elections. As they organize more and more with the help of INDN's List, their political clout will only increase and they will be voting for someone. At this point, I doubt very seriously that those votes will be cast for Hillary Clinton.
I read Molly Ivins' article. Wow!I agree with her 100%. Is there no one in this nation that has the courage to stand up and just try to harness the desires of the majority of the people. Someone who isn't constantly weighing the future political ramifications of every word they say or philosophy they espouse. We badly need a leader, not just someone who wants to stay in Washington DC with the rest of the fat, rich, PAC financed and indebted crowd. The nation will just get more of the same political inaction unless the people demand that our "representatives" actually serve the majority's needs instead of their own re-election pandering.
Sen. Hillary Clinton needs to attend Prez on the Rez!
In fact, everyone in America should be there!!!
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