Monday, September 3, 2007

Elayne & Merrill Fill-in for Steph & the Mooks

Once again, Stephanie Miller and her beloved Mooks (Jim Ward & Chris Lavoie) have asked Elayne Boosler and Merrill Markoe to sit in the KTLK studio while they take a much-deserved vacation. Be sure to to tune in and listen to Elayne & Merrill as they take on the topics of the day with humor, insight and wit. Give Rebekah a call - she's still in the studio taking phone calls and producing her little behind off: 1-800-STEPH12, that's 1-800-783-7412.

Elayne Boosler's Tails of Joy.

Catch up with Merrill Markoe on her web site.

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